Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Bradford Mirror Pool - Lighting Columns
centenary square,
mirror pool,
Wolfgang Buttress
Monday, 30 January 2012
John Smyth Memorial Tablet - Bradford Cathedral

The upper part of this tablet on the wall of Bradford Catherdral is a memorial to John Smyth who died in 1686, his wife, and their ten children. All the names of the children are recorded on the tablet but Thomas gets a special mention 'a merchant at Dantzic and buried there'. I don't know why he gets a special mention, maybe it's because he was the favourite son, or possibly because he died abroad, as I say, I don't know. Another thing that puzzled me a little was that the family came from Miryshaw, not a place name that I was familiar with. I did a little digging around on the Internet and found a mention of Miryshaw as a farm just above the Barkerend area of Bradford, it's now covered in Victorian terraced houses but was probably open farmland back then.
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Five Rise Locks - Gate Replacement

The Five Rise Locks on the Leeds-Liverpool canal at Bingley are currently closed to waterway traffic but have been open to the public this weekend. The locks were built in 1774 and are the steepest lock staircase in Britain. Four of the six pairs of lock gates are being replaced as well as repairs to the lock chamber brickwork. I went along yesterday but hadn't expected a queue of several hundred people patiently waiting to descend into the drained locks, an hour or more queueing didn't appeal to me so I came away. I returned this morning at opening time and joined a queue of around a dozen people (more my kind of queue), but when I left around half an hour later the queue had grown to several hundred people again, I had no idea our industrial heritage could be such a crowd puller!
Five Rise Locks,
Leeds-Liverpool canal
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Saltaire - Winter Sun
Friday, 27 January 2012
Undercliffe Cemetery - Big Sky
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Mirror Pool - Work Continues
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Travellers Entrance - Sackville Street
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Staircase - Bradford Interchange

Monday, 23 January 2012
Undercliffe Cemetery
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Chinese New Year Celebrations - Leeds
I'm a bit off my usual patch here, in the city of Leeds for the Chinese New Year celebrations held at Leeds Town Hall. I have never been to one of these events before, it was quite entertaining, colourful, but a bit tricky to photograph successfully and I didn't come away with many decent pictures. This is one of the better shots.
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Grocery Store - Victor Road
Friday, 20 January 2012
Frosty Morning - Lister Park
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Ekco Radio - Saltaire
I spotted this old radio in a second hand shop window in Saltaire the other day. Ekco, the manufacturer of the radio, also made television sets, television sets with big chunky clunky dials, and an especiallly chunky clunky dial for changing channels. So what? Well, when I was a boy I was intersted in space, it was the space race, Apollo missions to the moon and all that, and it was also the time I made my first Airfix kit, a rather tall Saturn V rocket complete with detachable Command Module and tiny Lunar Module with opening landing gear. After painstakingly assembling and painting the model I placed it on top of the television set, the Ecko television set with the chunky clunky dials sat on top of the wibbly wobbly television stand. You can guess what happened the first time someone changed channels, it wasn't all bad news though, I still had some glue left.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Busker - Forster Square
I didn't know whether to post this picture or not, it has every technical fault going, camera shake, subject movement, burnt out highlights, picture noise, there wasn't really enough light to take a picture in the first place, so why did I take it? Simply because the musician (and he was a musician, quite a good one) asked me to. I'm always willing to send someone a picture if they want one. I did point out that there wasn't really enough light and the resulting pictures would be poor. Sure enough, the pictures were poor, soft, grainy, not worth bothering with, and I came away promising to have another go if our paths crossed again in the future. Looking at the pictures again though, a few days later, and I'm not sure if the technical quality really matters, maybe I should have just sent them on in the first place.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Where Did That Rocket Go?
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Stargazing Live - Bradford

Today has been a day of science and astronomy in Bradford with events aimed mainly at families taking place in and around Centenary Square. Passers-by could visit the Space Bus to learn about life as an astronaut, visit the Impressions Gallery to talk to experts about astronomy, or interact (as in the picture) with the outdoor BBC Big Screen. I thought I was being unobtrusive when I took this picture (a sort of Cartier-Bresson moment), I didn't realise I was also on the big screen, crouched down taking the photo.
Friday, 13 January 2012
Pendulum Clock - Bradford Club

This pendulum clock hangs on the wall at the Bradford Club. The inscription on the face reads 'M. Rhodes & Sons, Bradford'. I didn't notice this at the time I took the picture, not until I went through the photos later at home. I had a quick look on the internet and came up with a little bit of information on Manoah Rhodes. Born 1810 and indentured to silversmith John Allot in 1822, set up his own business in Bradford in 1836 and was joined by his two sons as the business expanded in later years. Not a great deal of information, but interesting nonetheless.
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Snooker Cues - Bradford Club
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Bradford Club - Snooker Room
I went along to the Bradford Club for a very interesting talk on the battle of Marston Moor this morning. The talk was given by Dr Peter Palmer at the invitation of the Bradford Historical and Antiquarian Society. I believe it is the first time that the society has used the Bradford Club as a venue for one of its meetings and members were later invited to explore the building. The building was quite fascinating, a Victorian gentleman's club (now also open to lady members) complete with leather armchairs, pendulum clocks, and this snooker room with enormous potted plants.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Monday, 9 January 2012
Chris Howson - Desmond Tutu House

Sunday, 8 January 2012
Biking is a Breeze

bike breakfast,
Cycle Fest 2010,
Jimmy Biondi,
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Back Ash Grove
Friday, 6 January 2012
Mirror Pool & Odeon Cinema
The new mirror pool looking towards the former Odeon Cinema. The cinema closed several years ago and has been left to deteriorate. There are plans to demolish the building and redevelop the area, it seems a shame that the facade of the building cannot be saved even if the body of the building has to go, it's one of Bradford's more distinctive buildings and I kind of like it.
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Underneath The Arches
Depending on your views regarding Victorian industrial architecture these arches near Forster Square Station could be a work of art, or a pile of old stones. I quite like old buildings myself, they seem to fit into the landscape or cityscape better than modern buildings. I think it's because they are usually constructed from local materials and have been designed and built by people who knew what they were doing, people who built things to last. These arches look like they were built to last, they probably will last, for another hundred years or more, not bad for a pile of old stones.
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Wharfemeadows Park - Otley
Monday, 2 January 2012
Otley Cycle Club - New Years Day Ride
Sunday, 1 January 2012
New Year River Swim - Otley
I suppose there is nothing quite like a plunge in the River Wharfe on New Years Day after all that eating, drinking and watching TV over Christmas. These swimmers do it every year, (the swim that is, I don't know about the eating and drinking), they seem to enjoy it, the event also raises money for local charities. Did I go in? No I didn't, I think I'll just stick to the photography side of things for now.
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